New creepypasta just dropped

By oh_mylanta - 02/03/2009 09:10 - United States

Today, I went to work to find my creepy boss sitting in my office. I work the night shift, so it was very unusual to find him there. I asked how he was, and he replied, "I told my wife about us; she kicked me out." I've been working there a month. Also, I'm married and pregnant. So, excuse me, "US?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 542
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste


Sounds like its time to start looking for a new job or a new boss.

You've obviously been leading him on! He might have to show his wife/ex-wife a photo of you pregnant to send her right around the twist. Great world we live in. Bad luck about your work situation, but at least you'll have an out when the baby arrives........

That's enourmously creepy. Can someone say restraiiiiining orderrr?

You could get a raise on the plus side :D just kidding. QUIT and save yourself

out_of_luck29 0

ooh. sucks. thats some obssessed crap going on there. and i agree. quit

i woulda been all like "nigga what da *** u talkin bout?"