
By MissYouPieceOfSkin - 27/11/2013 08:44 - United States - Kirkland

Today, I had a nightmare in which I was haunted by the ghost of my foreskin. I then spent the whole day moping around, wondering what my life would've been like if my parents hadn't opted to slice it off. Will I see you in heaven, long-lost ghostly foreskin? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 941
You deserved it 16 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Epikouros 31

To be honest, an intact foreskin's life isn't all sunshine and roses. Mine gets manhandled roughly and pissed on every day.

perdix 29

Was this ghost foreskin wearing a hood? Because that'd be kinda redundant:)

In Germany, they've recently created legal barriers to only allow circumcision under certain circumstances (medically necessary/religion, boy old enough to understand and agree to procedure). I completely agree with this because I think all unnecessary procedures should not be done, and babies especially are so vulnerable to infection. While it is true that being circumcised can reduce the rate of STDs, this is only a problem when one becomes sexually active, at which point one should be old enough to make an informed decision anyways. It is not OK to permanently remove part of a person's body without their consent, what is taken cannot be returned, and it changes that person's life forever. There's a reason the Right to Bodily Integrity is a basic Human Right.

There's plenty of proof that it just looks way better without one! Not like a gross leach or elephant trunk *shudder*

nnnope 26

no, there's actually no proof to support your *opinion.*