Is everything OK?

By Spooky - 22/03/2023 04:00 - United States

Today, I found myself daydreaming about being a skeleton. Why? Because skeletons don't have skin, so they don't develop giant pimples in inconvenient places that make you unable to move without discomfort. In this case, on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 619
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ODBeefalo 10

given that all of my younger siblings had this as teenagers and early adult years... wash the back of your neck... too many people forget about this, they think, "Well, I can't reach most of my back, so it can't be a problem". it can, it can be a problem...

Just wait till you get one on your scrotum.


ODBeefalo 10

given that all of my younger siblings had this as teenagers and early adult years... wash the back of your neck... too many people forget about this, they think, "Well, I can't reach most of my back, so it can't be a problem". it can, it can be a problem...

Just wait till you get one on your scrotum.