Lingering smells

By UptoHERE - 04/02/2010 03:18 - Canada

Today, I was on a road-trip with some of my buddies, when we stopped at a gas station. When I opened the door to their bathroom, brown water flowed out, soaking my legs up to my knees. I then spent another 2 hours in an enclosed vehicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 486
You deserved it 2 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So the door to a gas station washroom was watertight, eh? And it opened out, rather than opening in? And the water in the bathroom was much much higher than your knees, since you were outside the bathroom upon opening it? And no employees nor visitors had opened that door for however many hours it would have taken for that much water to build up? And you opened the door wide enough to actually be hit with the majority of the water flow, fast enough that you didn't notice the problem in time? Okay, I believe you. Just checking.

Fire_Starter 0

You were on a road trip... But didn't have any other clothes you could've grabbed and changed into?


I call fake. What gas station bathroom is that water-tight that it would hold that much water?

What the hecky happened to the comments section in this FML? Errrybody so maaaad...

I don't get how the water didn't leak through the cracks of the doors before you got to the station

thongs4lyfe 0

i wulda kicked u out of my car

theBry 0

If you're on a road-trip, you really don't have other pants to change into? And if not, you're a guy, just wear your boxers, there's no reason to keep the gross pants on, dummy!

olw25 0

bs... ur story, not the bathroom

water up to your knees? sounds like a load of shit to me.