By Anonymous - 06/04/2017 18:00

Today, I had to stop on a long trip to use the restroom at a gas station. Apparently, there was water damage beneath the toilet, because after about two minutes of doing my business, it collapsed about seven inches beneath the floor. Guess who got covered in water, black mold, and poo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 938
You deserved it 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of all the FML's ever published, this one might be the most FML-iest one in existence. It's like the blazing candles atop one giant shitcake!

ImminentDisaster 12

Did you not also get covered in vomit as a result?


Of all the FML's ever published, this one might be the most FML-iest one in existence. It's like the blazing candles atop one giant shitcake!

ImminentDisaster 12

Did you not also get covered in vomit as a result?

Guess who gets to contact a lawyer & get paid!

This one wins FML forever. At least until someone falls into a septic tank.

I now have that image in my head. Thanks.

species4872 19

And I suppose there was no toilet paper as well.

GIJoefan 6

That would sure top off that ugly day.

My guesses are: 1. Jared Kushner 2. Emma Stone 3. The guy that gave Emma Stone's card to Warren Beatty. I hope I win. Wish me luck!

JadeMinu 10
JillianJuneBug 39

Was it at least just your own poo?