Thanks for the memories

By Mike - 07/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, my parents told me I was conceived at Disney World. Monday, I take a class trip to Disney World. My friends will be having fun and all I'll be able to think about is my parents having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 731
You deserved it 5 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tb15 0

I'm going to disney world, but my parents had relations there years ago.FML what's next I won the lottery, so now I have to leave my house to pick up the money.FML I got accepted into Harvard, but it's cold in Boston.FML

Oh, boo hoo. Your parents have sex. Big woof. That's how babies are made. Grow up and learn to have fun, jeez.


killerviral 0

yay for majic mountain lol 1st. dufkflxkjkib. hdjdsbjd e. shave fjihdhd. r f f f y g g g

this isn't an fml. your life isn't ****** dumbass

ur parents have sex in ur house all the time. boooo ur life isn't ******

think so too. Do you wanna kill yourself now because you are depressed????? Come on that is rediculous!!!!!!

00yoda4 0

be grateful jackass my mom was a prostitute

jessamy_brit 5

ohh go cry to your Teddy bear. you don't know life.

Splash mountain, if ya know what I mean.

babyveronica 0

that's just gross now I'm going to think about people having sex there haha eww

Averizzle 0

Why wouldn't you think about people having sex at Disney World of all places? Is that not what it is for??

PWhat kind of school takes a class trip to disneyworld? ******* schools nowdays.

Well parents have to do something while they are waiting for Chip and Dale come out.

enormouselephant 15

How old are you guys to be so grossed out by sex?

azreal_13 0

aww your nasty thinking about your parents getting it on, just enjoy your time there

Oh, boo hoo. Your parents have sex. Big woof. That's how babies are made. Grow up and learn to have fun, jeez.

tb15 0

I'm going to disney world, but my parents had relations there years ago.FML what's next I won the lottery, so now I have to leave my house to pick up the money.FML I got accepted into Harvard, but it's cold in Boston.FML

How old are you, OP? Twelve? Get over it.

AngryNinja 1

hm. I am a person. I came out of my mother. my dad made me. STORY OF EVERYONE'S LIFE. or they wouldn't HAVE life. just forget it and have fun. that's what they did!

it's not like they had sex on a ride...suck it up....quit your complaining - some ppl will NeveR see Disneyland!!

amihearts 0

um why would think if that? I don't get that. I mean I would just forget about it