Don't blame me

By anonymous - 15/11/2020 05:02 - United States

Today, I got suspended from school for smoking in the stairs. I'm grounded for a month without my phone, TV or any type of social connection. All of this would seem like a fair enough punishment if I actually smoked, but instead I just smell like my parent's second-hand smoke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 778
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can’t you have a discussion with them about this?

Well, maybe you can take up smoking at home. You'll fit at home, for a change.


Can’t you have a discussion with them about this?

Well, maybe you can take up smoking at home. You'll fit at home, for a change.

this is a really harsh punishment anyway.

It_gets_better 19

Had us in the first half, not gonna lie. But damn that sucks.