By notsoproudfather - 01/02/2016 15:54 - India - Pune

Today, I walked in on my son's new habit. Sticking his finger up his ass, farting on it, and smelling it. Apparently, the scent is the purest then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 016
You deserved it 2 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

A good way to discourage him would be to spray chilli sauce on his hand when he's not looking, then sit back and enjoy the ensuring shitstorm.

A07 48


A07 48

Both top comment spots. I haven't seen that before.

A07 48

31 search "herpes" on fml, and read the fml about the yeast infection

Psycocharger 19
A07 48

A good way to discourage him would be to spray chilli sauce on his hand when he's not looking, then sit back and enjoy the ensuring shitstorm.

psychopolarbear 28

You need to calm down, Satan.

How do you "not notice" someone doing something to your hand?

that might be criminal.... plausible borderline Child Abuse even.....remember, if you wouldn't want it done to you.

I don't care if I'm getting down voted for being negative here but that's ******* disgusting

WretchedOwls 11

Well.. you know what fat bastard said everybody likes their own brand.

Actually if he could get something up to his colon, that's the purest form.