Lingering smells

By UptoHERE - 04/02/2010 03:18 - Canada

Today, I was on a road-trip with some of my buddies, when we stopped at a gas station. When I opened the door to their bathroom, brown water flowed out, soaking my legs up to my knees. I then spent another 2 hours in an enclosed vehicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 486
You deserved it 2 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So the door to a gas station washroom was watertight, eh? And it opened out, rather than opening in? And the water in the bathroom was much much higher than your knees, since you were outside the bathroom upon opening it? And no employees nor visitors had opened that door for however many hours it would have taken for that much water to build up? And you opened the door wide enough to actually be hit with the majority of the water flow, fast enough that you didn't notice the problem in time? Okay, I believe you. Just checking.

Fire_Starter 0

You were on a road trip... But didn't have any other clothes you could've grabbed and changed into?


I would've thrown the pants away. But I'm mildly germophobic. So...I probably would have had a panic attack shortly thereafter. And 'cause you're a guy, you could totally wear just boxers in the car...your friends would have probably preferred that to super smelly pants.

MissRachieee 3

what if he was wearing tighty whiteys?

Oh, the wonders of gas-station bathrooms... Disgusting indeed.

aliciaann29 0

fake... how could water get up to you knees when you opened the door? wouldn't water be coming out at the bottom of the door anyways? already? so how could there be so much water it went up to your knees? fake...

MissRachieee 3

your on a roadtrip. didn't u bring like a suitcase with clothes or something? or are you just that stupid?

BigLostBear 0

I love this post because snickerdoodles got owned in the comment section. :)

I'm sorry OP. Gas station bathrooms suck especially when you really have to go.

I would've bought some bleach, tossed my pants as useless, and doused my legs in the bleach. Rinse in the car wash or with a hose, and problem solved. BTW, you have really good friends to put up with that. No way I'd have let you in my car.

Dude's clearly in a wheelchair. It makes more sense if you look at that way.

then it wouldnt just wet his knees then.

*clears throat in preparation for Morbo voice* SHINS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!