Judgmental much!?

By Stairway2Heaven - 02/03/2009 21:03 - Canada

Today, I came home to find that my room had been ransacked. My mom comes out of nowhere and says that we need to have a talk. I freaked out thinking it was all the empty alcohol bottles under my bed. My mom holds up the birth control and says, "I always knew you were a whore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 651
You deserved it 19 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Ugh I hate parents like that. Would they rather you're on birth control or you tell them you're pregnant.

oh come on... its just birth control.


"Like mother like daughter" would have been a nice answer for such an unfair and douche remark. Doesn't she know pills can help girls control period problems? Obviously, she was just looking for a reason to call you that. Women often do that, tell you off bad for a past mistake you're not aware of any longer... :)

Why was she going through your room in the first place? That's an invasion of your privacy. What a bitch!

RandomGirl19 0

# 22 Wat privacy? parents think its there right to snoop through everything. I know My parents do it regularly, from digging in my boxes of books to reading my texts while im in the shower, I'm actually convinced they have video and sound recording devices in my room. damn paranoia....

Not all parents, my mom only looks at things I give her permission to. It's sad there are so many parents that ignore their kids privacy. Trust is a valuable thing.

prvag23 0

FML always reminds me of how damn awesome my parents are. I can't believe there are so many parents that are just downright mean and hateful to their children! I'm sorry this happened OP...maybe something really bad happened with your mom to put her in such a bad mood. :(

@5 Look at you, If I we're ya parents I'd put you on birth control too. You've gotta have guys around the block after you. If not why not.

marris 0

I'm on birth control and I don't have sex. Even if I did have sex it would be pointless to take birth control to prevention pregnancy because I'm infertile. There is only one type of hormonal therapy offered for women and thats birth control pills - should have told your mom you had to much estrogen and that was the only way to get periods. Then she would have looked like a ***** for jumping to wild conclusions like bc pills meant you were having sex

Oh wow, this just reminded me to take my own birth control.. Anywho, I hope you and your mom can talk this out. You're being safe, so that should account for something. Good luck :)

#8 is right, I take birth control because without it my period is...nonexistent until there is too much and it...kinda HAS to release. It doesn't mean I'm a *****, hell I'm still a virgin and I plan to stay that way until I'm married (Nothing religious about this decision, I just want to make sure my virginity is taken by the right man, not some sleazy bastard who wont respect or love me). My sister, who was spared from the genetic disease I was given to make me need birth control, also uses birth control but that still doesn't make her a ***** because she has a steady boyfriend. I know my sister well enough to know she would never sleep around or cheat on her boyfriend. So just because you take birth control doesn't make you a *****, it makes you smart. Your mom is just a bitch.

dude...#8 and #27...we kno it can be used for that, but if that were really a problem she would have no problem telling her mom to potentially get it for that reason...lets be realistic for a moment..with that said, the mother is clearly showing her lack of good parenting...never say that to your child..especially since it makes her look even worse...

holynemesis1208 3

at least your not producing evidence (a kid) of your ways.

#12 a friend of mine uses it for migrain problems. she gets a shot and it helps her stay migrain free for a while. #27 yeah. I know this due to family have to use it for that. I agree about the virginity thing. It is a strong message of love and respect. I have even saved my first kiss for the right girl. Also don't try and justify your sister. Religious people who say it is only in marriage, yet they divorce and remarry every other year are hypocritical douches. She is with the one she loves, she is happy. End of story. #28 yes. the mother should have asked before accusing her and being rude.