Judgmental much!?

By Stairway2Heaven - 02/03/2009 21:03 - Canada

Today, I came home to find that my room had been ransacked. My mom comes out of nowhere and says that we need to have a talk. I freaked out thinking it was all the empty alcohol bottles under my bed. My mom holds up the birth control and says, "I always knew you were a whore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 652
You deserved it 19 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Ugh I hate parents like that. Would they rather you're on birth control or you tell them you're pregnant.

oh come on... its just birth control.


mother knows best. sounds like she was dead on.

tell ur mom 'i learned from the best, I bet I have lotsa secret brothers and sisters considering you probably bang every guy you see, **** you.' <-- I'd totally say that.

ouch, even I felt the blow on that. sorry op =

mad_hatter0666 22

unless she was joking; your mom is a bitch.

just because they are on birth control doesn't mean they are having sex. alot of women have to go on it because their hormones are out of whack and they either aren't getting a regular period or their period is lasting to long. i would expect the mom to know that considering the tiny fact that she is a woman..but then again people to always tend to assume worse..

did anybody think she might be taking it b-cuz he has really baf periods jeez... im 13 and i take BC and i dont even have a bf!

meganndelaney 0

wtf really who talks to there child that way you shoulda slapped her

Your mother is just a nutter. My mom litterly sat me down and said she'd let me take the insurance card to get birth control if me and my boyfriend were having sex.(which we were) Im not on it(yet) but we use condoms. Your mother should be happy that your being safe and not getting your eggo preggo. :-)

really?? what a bi*ch! I'm on birth control, but its for medical reasons, (cysts on my ovaries). being on birth control doesn't necessarily make you a *****. I'm still a virgin even though I'm on birth control. a parent should NOT talk that way about their child, weather its true or not.

Wow FYL. I was on birth control since I was 13. I didn't lose my virginity until 16. I just wanted my cycles evened out and the cramps to go away. Sadly there are just ignorant people in the world now adays.