By kimosabe - 02/03/2009 19:58 - United States

Today, at work a woman came up to the check out counter and when I greeted her she said "oh honey, you are so beautiful!" I immediately smiled and thanked her, then she looked at me and said "oh, not you." and then pointed to her ear. She was on her bluetooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 930
You deserved it 6 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I HATE when people look they could be talking to you but are talking into their bluetooth devices. It embarrasses both the talker (unless they're a douche) and the person who things they're being talked to, and it's rude. Such a sign of the times x( could be standing in a huge crowd of people, but everyone's in their own little world.

Bubs_fml 0

Don't feel bad. She probably didn't mean you're ugly, but then again she's using a bluetooth in a grocery store. She's a douche.


why do you assume she meant you are not? you where not even in the conversation.

ancientmudkipz 0
22cute 17

Yeah, embarrassing. You ARE beautiful,Op!

Xinxinix 0

Oh wow!! Sorry for the inconvience. :P

Why are you sorry? Were you the lady on the Bluetooth?

22cute 17

It's possible to show sympathy when you are not at fault.

bangarang11 0

Similar things like that have happened to me. It's embarrassing, but try not to take it to heart. It's pretty funny, actually..

Bubs_fml 0

Don't feel bad. She probably didn't mean you're ugly, but then again she's using a bluetooth in a grocery store. She's a douche.

I hate bluetooth. Only time I see a use for it is in the car.

I HATE when people look they could be talking to you but are talking into their bluetooth devices. It embarrasses both the talker (unless they're a douche) and the person who things they're being talked to, and it's rude. Such a sign of the times x( could be standing in a huge crowd of people, but everyone's in their own little world.

Dr_Phil 0

She wasn't "on her bluetooth". She was using her "bluetooth headset". Bluetooth is the medium used for the headset and the phone to communicate with each other.

#8, that wasn't necessary. It has nothing to do with what she is talking about.