Judgmental much!?

By Stairway2Heaven - 02/03/2009 21:03 - Canada

Today, I came home to find that my room had been ransacked. My mom comes out of nowhere and says that we need to have a talk. I freaked out thinking it was all the empty alcohol bottles under my bed. My mom holds up the birth control and says, "I always knew you were a whore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 652
You deserved it 19 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Ugh I hate parents like that. Would they rather you're on birth control or you tell them you're pregnant.

oh come on... its just birth control.


your mom makes me angry. i think thats a the first time ive used to words "your mom" in a sentense without saying i did her. oh snaps. oh and ma mom would say the same thing.

Your mother should be proud that you were being so responsible.

your mom is a bitch. having sex does not make you a *****, and she should be glad you that are being responsible and using birth control. ask her if she would rather you be a teenage mom

You poor thing :( When I told my mom I was having sex she asked, in this order: "Are you using condoms? Good. Have you at least had an ******?" My mom and I have a weird relationship, lol.

hmmm i wonder what's worse your mom thinking your a drunk party animal or a prostitute.

Damn... I started BC really young because I do have a little ***** in me, but I made my sister go on BC young too, even though she's not active.... not just because it's good to know you're protected for any surprise outings... but also all the other good benefits that come along with it...

devildog_angel23 0

She's one of those parents who should do the world a favor and play in heavy traffic.

xcchick 0

birth control isn't only for sex