It Wasn't Me, by Shaggy

By itwasntme - 07/09/2019 16:00

Today, we found out my brother in law cheated on my sister. Somehow they’ve blamed me for the whole incident. I don’t know the guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 761
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeirdUS 29

There is a lot being left out. If you don't know him, did you at one point have a conversation with her about her fiance or something'? This generally doesn't pop up for no reason.

tounces7 27

This FML is leaving out so much, I mean I don't even know if "I don't know the guy" refers to the brother in law, or the (maybe a man?) he is having an affair with.


Hey! Since you're so involved you now atleast get a part of the alimony, right?!

Snitches get stitches. Don't be the bearer of bad news. Often the recipient irrationally blames you. No one likes a tattle-tell, Danny. Except me, of course.

It's a quote from Caddyshack. Seems like a theme for the day. If you haven't seen it, you and your friend should watch it.

Sounds like you don’t have a family to them - you’re just a convenient scape goat. Drop the toxic in your life OP.

WeirdUS 29

There is a lot being left out. If you don't know him, did you at one point have a conversation with her about her fiance or something'? This generally doesn't pop up for no reason.

Major_Haywire 7

Makes perfect sense, the brother is the other guy

tounces7 27

This FML is leaving out so much, I mean I don't even know if "I don't know the guy" refers to the brother in law, or the (maybe a man?) he is having an affair with.

Sometimes when war breaks out, innocent bystanders get the shrapnel. I’ve been on the receiving end once or twice. Speak up for yourself or it will keep happening. They are already pissed at you anyway.