It's for the best

By yesguysgetabusedtoo - 24/05/2013 23:42 - New Zealand - Papamoa

Today, my girlfriend had someone else dump me via text message. I knew it wasn't her because for once I wasn't being viciously insulted, and it wasn't written as if an illiterate baboon had taken a shit all over her keypad. I can't even feel happy about being rid of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 612
You deserved it 6 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it looks like life might get better without her.

Why did you choose to stay with her if you were always "viciously insulted"?


YDI for being with a girl who viciously insults you.

Not to insult my own kind, but why specify that the baboon metaphorically taking a shit on her keypad is illiterate?

Are there perhaps any literate baboons that we have no knowledge of?

If she annoyed you that much, why aren't you happy that it's over?

MythsNLegends 10

You just received an upgrade on life by someone who is literate enough to free you from your recent baboon infestation. Congrats!!

Sounds like she didn't deserve you, anyway.