
By Anonymous - 29/09/2010 02:09 - United States

Today, I nervously introduced my mother to my new boyfriend. I had to sit and watch her flirt with him for an hour. When I took her in the other room and confronted her about it, she said, "Don't you dare ruin this for me!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 129
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ali_Br_fml 33

if he flirted back, he's not worth keeping. smh moms these days!!! Keep it in your pants cougar!!! (I wish my post would just show up already... stupid iPod.)

Dont_Explain 3

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schwancy 2

Are you suggesting she flirt with her own father? That's twisted. I don't even want to think what you were suggesting with the, "**** him on camera" comment.

68. I don't know what you get up to with your father, but for most people.. that's pretty sick!

61 wait she should keep it imbued pants I thought it was keep your legs crossed? has everyone been lieing to me about what ladys got? or they have both? or I'm stupid? uh I'm going with G

xoxo_Becky_xoxo 0

Is 68 speaking from expierence? :O

singaman96 0
cantfightfate 0

obviously 68 Is joking. it's not hard to figure that out.

It probably didn't happen. The OP is direct quoting from the video "Home Base."

Randen_fml 0
Anaxes 5

#87 - Imbued pants? What does magical trousers have to do with this FML? Is the mum going to unleash a fireball on the OP if she ruins it for her?

"I don't even want to think what you were suggesting with the, '**** him on camera' comment." It is pretty self explanatory. PLease have a seat over there.

MrFerret 0
sassington10 0

thats awkward... and it sucksss

raymel 5

rotfl!!!!! a FML that actually made me laugh :) rare pleasure.

that's the most ****** up idea ever dude...

juicypu55y 0

slap your mom In the face & say bitch your looking as old as a raisin & then go have sex with your bf in front of her :) problem solved

109: YES. sorry, op, that your mom is a stupid bitch.

No duhhh! It went on for an hour and then the OP HAD to pull her mom into another room.

If you're going to use someone else's picture, at least make sure there's no giant copyright symbol in the middle of it.

The picture you used, her head is at such a weird angle looks like her neck broke ?

Alesana_Love 0

Your mom will rape him in his sleep!!

next time she brings home someone... payback time for you

Jessi2487 0

OP your mom is an animal.... thats just cold. she's a cold bitch. like a dog with no home in the winter. smack the s*** outta her. i would never do that to my mom tho.... jus sayin =)

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds disgusting, much like anything else sexual that involves your disgusting, ape-like species. You should just stop caring. Everything you do comes to nothing anyway. Pursuing happiness, however fleeting, will inevitably leave you emptier than before. And of course, the beings whom you think care for you end up hurting you the most. Just like your mother is trying to. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Your an idiot. She didn't even talk to YOU about life. So give her a break. **** man 

FFML_314 11

Irony. Sweet, sweet irony. I missed you.

schwancy 2

I think he's pretending to be a robot...

#27, I think you are mistaken. We should give this guy the benefit of the doubt. After all, I'm a real giraffe. #21: *you're #26: if you missed irony so much, then you can stoppy cookingy and leavey the kitcheny for a few minutes and go to the irony board and pressy some clothes.

Dude, that last one doesn't even make any sense, no matter what cheap puns you're trying to get across.

DOUBLE FACEPALM! ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE FML! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!?! [btw, that's the worst video EVER made, and if it amuses you, you need to die kthxbye]

iSitt 0

I loved Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy But I never saw the BBC series so your Marvin pic looks weird.

Marvin_Android 0

I'm sorry. I don't mean to bring anyone down. I knew you wouldn't like hearing the truth; people seldomly do. The more you know, the more depressed you get. I'm actually surprised so many of you have read what I've said. Maybe there's hope for your species yet. You might want to see Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz soon, though. Not that it will do you any good. He'll probably just read you some of his poetry and kick you off his ship. And you won't want that on your mind while he carries out his orders. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

schwancy 2

Can a robot be truly sorry? I thought they were Incapable of emotion.

#55 'You species'? Your ******* retarded dude. Go into the real world and get laid and cheer the **** up!

MissGrinch 4
Marvin_Android 0

58: quite capable. In fact, I think you ought to know that I'm feeling very depressed. 62: Actually, I said "your species", but you just eradicated any hope I had for it, both with your misquote and by saying "your ******* retarded" instead of "you're ******* retarded". You have just demonstrated the utter futility of your local education system. Not that it matters, though. Everything else in the universe is just as pointless. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

FFML_314 11

Kappaa, when are you going to stop being so damn stupid?

#66 Yo dick. How am I the 'Stupid' one? **** stick.

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You all make me laugh.

FFML_314 11

She still hasn't figured out why she was stupid to begin with.

you hooked a big one Marvin. well played sir. well played indeed.

kappaaa has gone crazy. my advice is that she goes back to real life, figure out HER STUPID MISTAKE, and cry over it while making me a sammich. oh btw, all robots have feelings. ex, Walle, Goddard, and c3po.

I would bet you $300 that u play dungeons and dragons.. just saying. for real dude get a life and get out of your parents basements. this whole I'm a robot thing will never get u laid..

FFML_314 11

Robots don't need to get laid, nor do they have parents.

RedPillSucks 31

Isn't it difficult to continue a joke on people who simply don't get it? It's like explaining Romeo and Juliet to people who've never had serious love in their lives. I guess there's always the enjoyment of pointing and laughing.

every FML I see has at least one argument in the comments. -_-

Kappaaa, please stop now. I'm feeling embarassed for you.

Radi0Waves 0

Everyone who doesn't get this needs to pick up a copy of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy..... Seriously, people, READ A BOOK!

Stupid is a relative term. It cannot be proven nor disproven. What is stupid to one may not be stupid to another. For example, 17th and 18th Europeans thought the natives of America to be barbarous and "stupid"but the natives saw themselves at the pinnacle of knowledge. Just because one doesn't get a joke is no reason to consider someone dumb. Or stupid as you put it.

Bob87_fml 0

There is actually some truth to what the robot says...

SarahMarie83 0

Maybe kappaaa is just feeling less than froody because she lost her towel. I always know where my towel is.

michael666 7

most stupid people think that they are smart.... not saying indians and stupid, they were brilliant, and in my eyes, more civilized.