Good night

By iwearsilkgownstoeatwaffles - 12/08/2013 14:30 - United States - Mabank

Today, my 26-year-old boyfriend came to my apartment to spend the night for the first time. He brought a "blankie" that he insisted was the only thing that could help him sleep. That "blankie" was his ex-girlfriend's silk nightgown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 419
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24

Well give him a reason to get rid of it!


The longer you allow it the worse it will get.

perdix 29

If you hooked yourself a 26-year-old "man" that uses the word "blankie," you might want to toss him back in the sea, and see if you can reel in a fully-grown one.

The only time a man should use the word blankie is when he is talking to or about his child. Also, does anyone else find it disturbing that he uses the term blankie to describe his ex's lingerie? Sounds to me like he is using the word blankie to make it seem like an acceptable qwerk. :|

RedPillSucks 31

Damn! You meant quirk? I made the mistake of checking qwerk on urban dictionary. More shit I didn't really want to know.

Yes, I meant quirk. Sorry! Now I have to see what qwerk means. *crosses fingers*

perdix 29

#35, the other time is after he gets a vasectomy and can tell the ladies he's shootin' "blankies."

#45 Yeah that's pretty sick, lmfao. I still think this FML is worse than eating fart bubbles though. Haha, Perdix.

ViviMage 38

He needs to get over the ex. He needs comfort from you now. Or let him sleep alone and move on!

Why would she comfort her boyfriend about him missing his ex. Nobody likes 2nd place. Op can find someone who only wants her.

Jst4kicks 16

give him a show, trust me that "blankie" would be history

If he needs a 'blankie' to help him sleep, he is still a child and not over his ex if it used to be hers. You're probably better off without him if he's not over his ex.

If you bought that then you're a bigger idiot than he is. And if it happens to be true he needs a psychologist.

You should get rid of it and him in the process.

at least its not her panties or a bra..