Good night

By iwearsilkgownstoeatwaffles - 12/08/2013 14:30 - United States - Mabank

Today, my 26-year-old boyfriend came to my apartment to spend the night for the first time. He brought a "blankie" that he insisted was the only thing that could help him sleep. That "blankie" was his ex-girlfriend's silk nightgown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 419
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24

Well give him a reason to get rid of it!


LithFlavored 10

I'd be a little concerned op, several problems with your bf sleeping with his ex's nightgown

Um hell no. You need to have a serious talk with him about the "blankie" talk and then another about sleeping with his exgirlfriends nightgown. It's weird all the way around.

Lodo_Derps_911 3

Hey, you could just buy one of the same and wear it around :)

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Maybe he just likes it because it's silk. Don't over think it.

What the hell, I would take it and burn it !

how about him sleeping on the doormat...?

If he's there to sleep you're doing something wrong