Get a move on!

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 02:00 - United States

Today, my mother set off the alarms at Walmart by shoplifting. She shouted at me to run, which I didn't. I had to get a ride home from the security guard, since my mother left without me because I didn't get to her car fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 621
You deserved it 5 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abceasyas123abc 12

All for one and one for all..?!

is it bad that i laughed REALLY hard at this?


sxe_beast 11

White trash/ghettoness at its finest!

I hope w/e she stole was worth it and wasn't something stupid like 25 cent kool aid packets...

48- I /think/ whatever she stole would have the magnetic tag on them... but then again maybe kool-aid is a prime target... ;) oh, you people... LAUGH!

sxe_beast 11

what the heck?? why was day moderated??

sixfoot2 0
cockseverywhere 2

condoms so she wouldn't have another disobedient child.

cockseverywhere 2

what a shitty child for not following your mothers orders.

She shouldn't have to go over the game plan every time you go to WM together. YDI