The definition of irony

By Rastaa_Reyes - 16/05/2019 23:52

Today, I went to Wal-Mart with my mom. She kept telling me to put my keys away so I wouldn't lose them. After a few times, I got annoyed and yelled at her. When we got back to her house, I realized I'd lost my keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 574
You deserved it 3 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you carry your keys around openly anyway? Not like you need them in the store.

What a Jedi mind trick! “Strong with force Mom the is the.”


What a Jedi mind trick! “Strong with force Mom the is the.”

I hope that you realize why you deserve it.

Why would you carry your keys around openly anyway? Not like you need them in the store.

julfunky 29

A grown adult playing with her keys then yelling at her mother, only to end up losing them? It just doesn’t make sense. So I conclude you must secretly be a baby. Playing with her teething keys. Gets fussy when told to stop but still doesn’t listen. Drops them on the ground and, being a dumb baby, doesn’t even notice. Then when said baby finally realizes the keys are gone she starts to cry. That scenario just makes more sense.

I had my keys on a lanyard so I would just randomly take them off from around my neck and mess w them. She was tryna be helpful but of course I'm a bitch and 100% deserve it, no denying that. Just had to share my stupidity