Get a move on!

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 02:00 - United States

Today, my mother set off the alarms at Walmart by shoplifting. She shouted at me to run, which I didn't. I had to get a ride home from the security guard, since my mother left without me because I didn't get to her car fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 621
You deserved it 5 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abceasyas123abc 12

All for one and one for all..?!

is it bad that i laughed REALLY hard at this?


DalPozzo13 10

is it bad that i laughed REALLY hard at this?

ydnar 5

looking at all the thumbs down I'm guessing the answer would be yes. I gave you a thumbs up. Of course there's something funny about this c'mon people!

super_ella21 0
puppy23 3

Well, the moms gonna get caught because now they know where she lives!

22cute 17

because OP has something called "character" and "ethics" and "decency" despite being raised by a nutcase looser. I'm pretty sure that's the fml point. Not the ride.

astrotacohead 0
ToyotaObsession 1

didn't they call the cops and arrest your mom at her house??

giantsfan2010 23

Toyota, moving forward, even when you don't want to.

ToyotaObsession 1

You must be very proud of yourself for figuring how to use google to find that joke.

Well it doesn't help that they have brakes that don't work and electronic accelerators that fail. Why cry over a joke anyways?

yet what people dont realize they busted their asses to fix that mistake people nowaday are ungrateful bastards

ToyotaObsession 1

Rofl where have you been? hiding in a defunct Ford plant? The US government came out and said it was the drivers faults. it's ok Toyota is a superior product. I can see why you would be jealous.

ReynshineCutting 10

Which is why Ford F-150s outsell Toyota "trucks" (you can't really call those jokes on wheels trucks) every year and has outsold any other truck for about 30 years. Yep. Definitely not as good as Toyota.