By anonynomi - 19/11/2015 17:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was accused of shoplifting, after the alarm started beeping as I walked into the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 043
You deserved it 1 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most people just look around and keep walking if it happens while they're entering

Psycocharger 19

How does this happen as one enters a store? Was anyone else exiting as you came in?


threer 30

People seem to be getting dumber and dumber..

And quicker to accuse people if it seems fit... doesn't matter if it's right or wrong anymore in some people's eyes.

RedPillSucks 31

except it doesn't fit at all, someone needs to be fired

Most people just look around and keep walking if it happens while they're entering

It happened to me once with a packet of blank CDs that I bought at another shop earlier. It didn't worry me as the alarms are only to get the staff's attention

And half of the time the staff ignores those alarms. Welcome to retail he**.

mds9986 24

They also do that when they are stealing something.

Psycocharger 19

How does this happen as one enters a store? Was anyone else exiting as you came in?

leogachi 15

@4 Sometimes the machines just screw up. Yesterday at school I saw a guy leaving the library. The anti-theft machines beeped, but the only books he had with him were the ones he bought at the bookstore (in a separate building). The same thing happened to another guy less than five minutes later.

Quite easily actually, lots of stores use "soft tags" in inconspicuous areas and the cashiers often will forget to run them over the demagnetizer. It's quite common.

I've had this happen to me twice. The first time was my phone that triggered it. My friend and I tossed my phone back and forth through the detectors, setting them off. The second time was when I had a pack of E-cig cartridges in my purse that had an anti-theft tag on it.

Mathalamus 24

Do I want to know why you were doing that...?

I can personally say I've left the security tags on my accident when ringing people out, especially if they buy something like a really thick cardigan, it's hard to see or feel them. Luckily the alarms almost always go off. Sometimes it's tricky, other times the machines are just screwy.

If you order some designer purses online, they may have a security tag hidden deep in a pocket, it can set them off. It's happened to me before. Once a tag was sewn in the lining. That was fun.

Wait... Did they come up to you and accuse you? Or are you saying the beeping machine accused you? Did they call the cops on you? If so file for harassement/defamation of character to teach them they cant just accuse you because the machine beeped.

Mathalamus 24

What do you mean, one of those? I'm a different person, by the way, to avoid misunderstanding.

fangirlofthings 21

One of the sue happy idiots of the world

Mathalamus 24

Ah yes, those people. Never understood the point of suing people for everything and anything.

gabechriswill 19

Maybe the guy walking out as you walked in?

olpally 32

Just raise your hands and say I'm innocent.. Or just keep walking. I wouldn't sweat it.

I don't get how they accuse you of shoplifting when you haven't even had the time to get to the shit actually worth stealing.

tiger820 20

let me guess you're black? if not welcome to my life..... lol