By jaded_woman - 27/12/2009 06:58 - Australia

Today, I backed out of the driveway of our newly built home. Being unfamiliar with the driveway, I ended up getting bogged in the mud and slid halfway down the steep slope of the front yard, trying free myself. I haven't met my neighbours yet. They stood in their front lawns watching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 126
You deserved it 4 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ssnickel 0

"Unfamiliar with the driveway?" So EVERYWHERE else that you drive, you're familiar with, and THAT'S why you screwed up this time? It's got nothing to do with being used to it... it's a matter of watching where you're going and knowing how to back up properly.


cucuto89 0


SaintOfSinners 0

Female drivers...... Ugh. Thanks for proving the stereotype for all women yet again. Are you blond by chance to?

Woman drivers jokes are only an escape goat for us men. If you have a penis then you can expect to pay more for insurance since men are technically worst drivers. It's hard to imagine, but it's true.

v1kt4r 13

the word is scapegoat and even if u had got it right you would still be using it wrongly


24788 defintly(sp?) is a blonde woman, she sounds like one of those blondes who think they are smart because they use words like escape goat, and one of those who thinks blondes are super "intellmigent!" and women text,call,put on make-up, and do other shit while driving, my brother can text fine with his 2009 Cadillac CTS I dont know why women have an issue.

Hair color doesn't make a difference, asshole. The three smartest kids in my grade are blonde, including the guy who completely aces every spanish test, the infinite pool of knowledge that seems to know everything, and the chick who picks up information incredibly quickly and retains it. So **** you.


thank you #15 ! I am blonde and i don't mind blonde jokes and all but that was pretty harsh.

ssnickel 0

"Unfamiliar with the driveway?" So EVERYWHERE else that you drive, you're familiar with, and THAT'S why you screwed up this time? It's got nothing to do with being used to it... it's a matter of watching where you're going and knowing how to back up properly.

i agree, it has nothing to do with being familiar with the driveway..if you were driving along in town and strayed into an area you were unfamiliar with would you suddenly forget how to drive and end up through a shop window? doubtful, but if you would, you seriously shouldnt be on the road..although at least that would be more understandable, there would be people about, and other cars and stuff, but a driveway? with just you? thats terribley bad driving

Even if we were to accept her lame excuse, how much time does it take to get "familiar" with a driveway? A driveway's a driveway, there's not usually much difference from one to the next.

Thank you, Bluewings! The words of wisdom. OP, do everyone a favor and stop driving. You are too stupid to operate a motor vehicle.