By wasted time - 19/12/2013 09:09 - United States

Today, I learned, 90 horrifying minutes into a college exam, that my 85-year-old calculus teacher had spent the last three weeks teaching us the wrong chapter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 133
You deserved it 3 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His qualifications as a teacher just don't add up. Hope you can work out your problems.

I may be speaking in hyperbole and I hope I don't go off on a tangent, but I think this is a sine that sumthing is wrong with how he functions as a teacher. Looking at it from another angle, obviously you can't count on him to teach you the right material. I hope he eats some humble pi and retires as he is clearly past his prime. Good luck.


summerguy97 16

I really hope it won't count to your grade.

Yes. The biggest test of a class won't count for a grade.

summerguy97 16

But the wrong chapter had been studied, maybe, hopefully, rendering it void...or at least curved.

How does it take you 90 minutes to realize that?

Rainhawk94 27

I can imagine op staring at her test for 90 minutes , completely zoned out and drooling

etoilenuit 15

Well it's says "learned" so I'm assuming someone told him. Hopefully that means it was a teacher. The fml is more that he spent 90 minutes freaking out and that he wasted the last 3 weeks.

I'm guessing the exam covered several chapters, but 90 minutes into the exam he realised that he never learned that specific section

Or the chapters have some overlap, so it's familiar enough that you recognise it, with just enough difference to make you think you haven't learned it as well as you thought you did. The chapters in my textbooks (admittedly not maths ones) have a lot in common with the one before and the one after, but cover things the others don't, so if you've done the chapter before it looks kind of familiar, and you can just about answer some of the questions, but some other questions make you want to cry.

incoherentrmblr 21

If my calculations are correct, you're screwed. Hopefully the test is either void or curved so much that it's a circle...

His qualifications as a teacher just don't add up. Hope you can work out your problems.

I hate how school boards constantly cling on these ancient teachers who are obviously passed their prime. Why can't they get them to retire and hire someone else the teaching market is saturated enough as it is...

Hopefully he'll curve it to make up the difference.

^They can't be forced to retire unless they are incompetent (which this teacher seems to be), because of the age discrimination issue.

ErwinsWife 5

I honestly think this person didn't study but that's just me. If material is wrong it's the professors fault and has to be fixed. I'm in college and my professor gave us the wrong test and it didn't count and we took another one. He is not old either and he made a mistake. He is in his late 20s. Lol.

#36 based on the timing I would have to say it's probably a final

this person says the teacher taught them the wrong stuff she studied the wrong material because of this mistake.

I'm in third year zoology at a university and all of my profs have expressly stated whether they want you to know the textbook inside out, even if they never touched on it in lecture or tutorial, or if it's just for use when you don't understand the prof or missed a day.

For what? It was a mistake, and from the way the FML is written, it seems like it was an announced mistake. Sue-happy people like you annoy me.

I am sincerely hoping that this was either A) a joke or B) written while high on paint fumes. Or both.

Welcome to FML, where you will be sued for everything and where shitty puns are prosecuted by angry mobs!

#4 curl up and die. And by curl I mean circulation of a non conservative vector field.

Well I hope there's a curve, I'm sure that'll even things out since I'm sure everyone taking it will be guessing.

Redoxx_fml 22

May the curve be ever in your favor

You do not deserve this in any way. That is terrible.

ThatFancyPenn 18

More likely he won't be a calculus teacher for much longer! Sorry OP this is a terrible situation to be in. I hope everything works out.

But if he is that old, theres a good chance that is a ten years so they cant fire him...

#79 I think you mean "tenured"/he has "tenure". Just fyi.

evan_7899 28

That is terrible! Not sure about this but he could get fired for wrong teachings of that degree.

Well I have a Calculus final today and now I'm a little paranoid...

Just got done with it; my teacher taught us the right chapter :)

I may be speaking in hyperbole and I hope I don't go off on a tangent, but I think this is a sine that sumthing is wrong with how he functions as a teacher. Looking at it from another angle, obviously you can't count on him to teach you the right material. I hope he eats some humble pi and retires as he is clearly past his prime. Good luck.