By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, I was driving home from swim practice with my mom. I glance over and see my brother's hot friend who I've been secretly in love with forever. He waved to me, and excitedly I waved back. I then hear my mom say "You're gonna die when you see how bad you look right now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 623
You deserved it 5 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thisisnotmyname 0

lol No one looks pretty after swim practice. I always looked horrid.

hahaha oh well, at least he still waved?


thisisnotmyname 0

lol No one looks pretty after swim practice. I always looked horrid.

I agree ur eyes are like red from chlorine u smell like chlorine hair messy and ur makeups pretty much screwed lol

That sucks. At least she was being honest?

hahaha oh well, at least he still waved?

If it was at a distant I think you're good.

Tucatz 0

Gee, thanks, Mom. Love you too. (As a father myself I have an overwhelming urge to throttle her right now. There are some things you just don't say to your kids.)

Tell your mom to shut her stinkin pie hole!

kentuckyredneck 10

Every time i read your posts, i read them in alphonse voice.

melissa_03 0

haha what a bitch. but ive gotta admit, thats still pretty funny lol

br0ken 0

no one look pretty after swiming .. and im agree with #2 at least she was honest ...

frosty16 0

Thanks a lot, mom. She sounds.... that couldn't have been a good day for you. Sorry.