
By uglyswimmer - 23/04/2009 01:58 - United States

Today, I was talking to a swimmer I just met. I saw a cute guy and whispered to her, "That guy is hot." She asked "Who?" I pointed at him. She turned to see him, then turned back to me and said "Ew, that's my brother." She went to him, whispered something. He turned around to see me and said, "EW." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 645
You deserved it 7 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, some guy you don't even know shot you down because he wasn't physically attracted to you. What are you, 14?

AK 2

What's wrong with that girl? Someone tells her that they thinks her brother is hot, and she goes and tells her brother right away in front of the girl? Sounds kind of rude to me.


Lol at #2. I haven't seen anyone do that since middle school.

caladalada 0

gosh. honestly, i can't stand all the comments saying how juvenile this is. seriously. it was mean. kindaa funny, but rude. thats why it was an fml. get over it. read it. laugh. feel sorry for. whatever. just stfu

i agree with #60 honestly i think the adults thats use this site need to get over themselves. its not physically possible for her to stop being her age. NOT FREAKING POSSIBLE! sorry, anyone trashing her needs to get a mother ******* life

Legz 0

Wow.. most of you are assholes. Just because you're 35 and still stuck in your parents' basement doesn't give you the right to take out your bitterness on people younger than you. Thank you, #66, I was beginning to think I was the only one who felt that way. The girl in the OP's story sounds like a bitch. The OP was just trying to be nice and have a little girl-talk to try and get to know her. She DID NOT deserve it.

consider this. based on her response to the "hot guy" comment, you might actually be hot. or not. all in all, no one cares. moving on. :)

69 has a point lol. a Straight guy wouldnt say Ew :P. good chance of it being a joke

bizzylizzy 0

lol fmls dont have to be extremes. theyre here for our ammusement. and btw most ppl on this site are younger than 18 derr