
By iamshrimpy - 08/01/2010 06:24 - Canada

Today, I logged onto Facebook to a new notification. I got excited, until I went on to see that it was my mom commenting on my status. She had seen my friends swear in previous comments and decided to make a comment of her own. She told them, "Hey, watch out yr language!" I'm nineteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 080
You deserved it 6 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow, another mum commenting on Facebook story. Sorry, gotta snore off this one.

bambi114 0


YDI for having a mum who can't spell "your" :)

watchforzombies 0

That's not an FML. That's your mom being your mom. Something tells me none of your friends are going to even care that she said that. Most 19-year-olds are usually still somewhat under the jurisdiction of their parents anyway even though they aren't legally binded to do so anymore.

LOL. I don't really see the point of adding your parents on your Facebook. This is completely random but at one point I was walking down an aisle and I heard a mom complain to another mom about how she's monitoring her daughter's Facebook and seeing how everyone curses and shit. It's ****** up...

depleetme 0
Ransom_Rose 0

Lol, sorry for you, my mother does that as well.

gladiaintu 0

my mom dont check any of my stuff if she did she would get seriously pissed off

being 19 doesn't matter.. moms will be moms.. my mom would do the same thing if she had facebook.

myliferox247 0