Buzz off

By Anonymous - 22/11/2021 16:59

Today, my mother is mad at me for deleting my Facebook account. I actually deleted the account because I'd had enough of putting up with her criticizing comments on every Facebook post I made. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 054
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now she's criticizing you for leaving the forum where she could criticize you in front of your Meta-friends? Am I surprised? I hope your mom has an FML account so she can criticize your post here.

Toxic Mom! Unfortunately you cannot fix her. You were smart to avoid the issue by shutting down your Facebook account. If you are willing to put in extra effort consider this: If you live at home you could do what some kids do - Have two Facebook accounts. It just takes two email address and don’t use your picture on the hidden profile page (maybe use a picture of something you like or a hobby). Then toxic Mom can have her vanity page where you occasionally post pictures of things she wants to see you doing. And you can have your private Facebook page for your real friends. Just don’t mix the two and don’t friend anyone on both identities - and set your posts as private, only friends see. I’m pretty sure my daughter and one or more of my grandchildren have done this - And to be honest I appreciate the effort.


And now she's criticizing you for leaving the forum where she could criticize you in front of your Meta-friends? Am I surprised? I hope your mom has an FML account so she can criticize your post here.

Toxic Mom! Unfortunately you cannot fix her. You were smart to avoid the issue by shutting down your Facebook account. If you are willing to put in extra effort consider this: If you live at home you could do what some kids do - Have two Facebook accounts. It just takes two email address and don’t use your picture on the hidden profile page (maybe use a picture of something you like or a hobby). Then toxic Mom can have her vanity page where you occasionally post pictures of things she wants to see you doing. And you can have your private Facebook page for your real friends. Just don’t mix the two and don’t friend anyone on both identities - and set your posts as private, only friends see. I’m pretty sure my daughter and one or more of my grandchildren have done this - And to be honest I appreciate the effort.