Boomer humor

By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 02:49 - United States

Today, I celebrated my birthday. When asked last week, I said I wanted a keyboard. When I opened the present, my parents went into hysterics. It was an electronic Dora the Explorer keyboard. I've been studying music composition and theory for six years. They think my major's a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 882
You deserved it 6 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piepieburger 0

I'd just yell "f**k you!" and then frisbee throw it at their faces.

chelle_starlight 0

aww...sorry to that hear that, op...but that's what Black Friday is all about...time for a keyboard redemption...


piepieburger 0

I'd just yell "f**k you!" and then frisbee throw it at their faces.

bamagrl410 31
C6Racer 0

Yea, just prove them wrong by workin hard. You'll see.

10, Happy Birthday! Would you also like a Dora keyboard?

Draminicaus 0

I seriously thought this FML was talking about a computer keyboard. O_o Yikes, I need to get out more.

pwincessa23 1

It was my bday yesterday & I didn't get anything. be happy that they care enough to even give u a playful surprise.

lol at thinking it's one of the hardest majors

buy them plastic jewelry for Christmas ;D

ikr lol like wtf so they thnk thiss iss a game lmao

rallets 22 ..oh i thought it was about a computer keyboard too haha ahh well, enjoy it anyway :D

well bec your major is a joke go to school for something that will take you some where in life besides a famous keyboarding douche there no famous ones

you've been studying music composition and theory for 6 years and still don't have a keyboard?

You've been studying music theory for six years and still expect your parents to spend hundreds of dollars on your birthday? YDI

@ #1: good idea, but it'd be even better to shout it in Spanish. :)

CondomSense 4

this major will make no contribution into the world and is pointless. it's a joke

what?? it is a contribution. Without any entertainment in the world...we would go into stress attacks.

It's only a joke if you pay for six years of school, yet don't have the resources to practice what you learn. Guess what? I'm 16, and had to save up for and buy my own computer to learn video editing. Buy your own damn keyboard.

#185 What will you specify in? Do you wish to one day edit Hollywood movies, or are your aims not that high?

ithappens232 0

lol. that sucks, get them a Dora the explored map for Xmas lol. first!

wow. you failed on two fml's. you truly are an idiot.

piepieburger 0


6, It's not his fault for having bad timing. >_>

Lmfao. Again?? You really need better timing

You probably would be first if you didn't take the time to type "first!"

green_eyes124 0

A keyboard sounds like an expensive gift, maybe they were just trying to prove a point? Either way, happy birthday : )

What point would they be proving besides the obvious lack of support for the interests and passions that their child has? It is OP's choice of major and at least s/he is bettering themselves by pursuing higher education. The patents don't have to spend money on a keyboard, but they also don't have to make a mockery of this persons dreams.

parents* Stupid fat fingers on tiny iPhone keys...

green_eyes124 0

True, I should have put that in my comment. The parents should not have put down the importance of music to op. If it is something op is passionate about, ( or even if they're just curious and want to try it out) then the parents should support their child.

xFalzz 0
Lancer_doosh 0

lol agreed, totally look like him dude.

does that mean your balls arnt dropped, too?

xFalzz 0

Sadly, they have not. But when they drop so will my career.

xfallz is like jb!! aww hot but pls tell me ur secretly not a 5 yr old girl...

69 You shod be the last person on FML to be talking about being fake.

metal8214 0

don't be gay, btw I'm gonna burn justin beiber's corpse

I don't think he'll care when he's dead. -_-

crystalrain17 14

Wow, you're really a b**ch, 130.

mathew17986g 2

well i guess its time to get some new parents XD

MusicMan7187 3

Excuse me, but that's where you're statistically wrong! The Music Major is the second hardest major to complete, next to biological science, which is the first; It's a fact. Music is far more complex than you think. But, you wouldn't know that, as you are ignorant of it.

The fact that you said "statistically wrong" is a joke.

amazinggbaby 2

And where does that major get you in life? It just doesn't seem like a useful major, no matter how difficult it may be.

dhsdlbass2 1

joke major? who the hell composes, writes, and make all the music you listen to everyday or you listen to while you play cod or halo??? uhh...ppl who majored in music composition!!! you all dont think

62, I agree with you. i think far too many people don't understand that many many many composers who do music for media can charge reasonably 10k for 10 minutes. that's seriously 1000 for 1 minute of music. But it's a joke. Sure. I mean really... it's not like you're going to school to be a rock star. And if your parents really don't support you, flip em off. when you make more moolah by tinkering on the keys for 10 minutes than your parents Make in a month, they'll quickly see how dumb they were.

#62, the music I listen to was composed by people without degrees in composition but carry on with your wild assumptions that do more to hurt your argument than prove your point.

That would be because you listen to some retard's pop, rap, or similar, good sir.

Hey. Watch it. Music theory and composition is an incredibly difficult major, that you can do virtually anything in the professional music field with. Composition, direction, teaching (with another degree), performance, there's a lot. Seriously, don't be so quick to bash something you don't understand.

statistics are a joke... just like music majors... do something useful like the marines

you're an idiot. that major is a joke. god at least study something useful. I have no respect for people with majors in arts.

auto_da_fe 2

#150 How sad. Those people control the entertainment industry. I have no respect for people who take the arts for granted.

Really? and who do you think designs everything you see? every building, billboard, advertisement, movie/band/game/etc poster, t-shirt, video game, movie, song and anything else you can think of was most likely designed by an ARTIST. Without artists there would be no television or video games or advertisements. the world today relies on people majoring in the arts in order to actually function. screw your head on straight and quit being and ignorant f***.

Anaxes 5

The world relies on art? Good joke, I didn't know that in order to live you needed to have a dose of art every day. Must be what the children in Africa are missing. Also, buildings are not designed by artists - That would be ******* stupid, they're designed by engineers. Furthermore, the fact you mentioned billboards and advertisements in your rant about why art is important is truly troublesome, since apparently you think those important in your daily life. Stop being an ignorant **** (Don't censor your own words, it makes you look pathetic). On another note, I can't believe people took #31 seriously. When you say biology is not only hard, but the hardest, there is no way you're being serious (Physics and chemistry are the doctor and lawyer siblings to the street performing biology).

I find it even funnier that #11's user name is "MusicMan"

Haha.. i think you should have been more specific to them. For now, FYL

skyttlz 32

lol my real keyboard cost 400 :/

O M G! I LOVE your profile picture!!!!!!!!!!! SKITTLES ROCK!!!

Quest_ 13

Keyboards are expensive. Maybe you should stop procrastinating from real life at uni, get a job, and buy your own.

FFML_314 11

Maybe OPs parents are wealthy and can afford more expensive gifts. Who's to say that OP wanted an expensive one anyway? Not all keyboards are expensive. My parents got me a keyboard for $150. OP should not be buying her own birthday presents.

Earning a degree in higher education is in no way "procrastinating from real life". Don't act jealous.