By happyeffingbday202 - 02/04/2009 23:12 - United States

Today, was my 16th birthday. Needless to say, I was delighted when my friends presented me with a birthday card in a homeroom. I pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "Aw, you guys really shouldn't have!" They didn't. It was our teacher's birthday. They just wanted me to sign the card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 050
You deserved it 5 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Slayer_fml 0

Aw that sucks. Happy birthday though!

That does kinda suck, although I do think that is a nice thing for your friends to do for your teacher. Who knows, maybe it's the only happy birthday your teacher will get. I hope you had a happy birthday anyway!


leyalu 0

FIRST FYL, definitely. I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope the rest of the day was better!

nastenka_fml 0

How the **** did a "First" comment get voted up? That's certainly a first! :o

Slayer_fml 0

Aw that sucks. Happy birthday though!

Happy birthday to you. I hope your day got better after that. I'm sure your parents got you something nice.

That does kinda suck, although I do think that is a nice thing for your friends to do for your teacher. Who knows, maybe it's the only happy birthday your teacher will get. I hope you had a happy birthday anyway!

AntiChrist7 0

it's only a birthday, big deal, it happens every year and 10.000 have the same birthday as you. YDI

If you havent been spreading invites to your "sweet 16" (I am assuming your a girl) party, you kinda deserve it. If your a guy, man up. Most guys don't know when there friends birthdays are.

valuemeal2 1

Aww, failure! You need better friends. Well, now you have an excuse to forget theirs.

theoldGP 0

aw that sucks. #7 almost everyone forgets their friends b-days (unless best friends or something) the party is basically how you know. (or get reminded) and seriously OP, stop bitching. that's nothing.

facebookkk is how I always know lmfao.

toofunny09 0

awh that blows, happy birthday

You didn't realize the card had no envelope and someone else's name on it? YDI for being so self-centered. Nobody cares that it's been 16 12-month periods since you were born.