By Hi-Tech - 03/03/2015 15:34 - Europe

Today, I got a laptop for my birthday. I was thrilled until I realized that my mom had given away my old one without asking. 6 years of games, music, and pictures down the drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 448
You deserved it 2 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes. Ask for it back so you can get all the old data from it! I'm sure any reasonable person would oblige

brendejafulable 41

She probably had sold it to buy you this one.


Yikes. Ask for it back so you can get all the old data from it! I'm sure any reasonable person would oblige

It can be very dangerous to pass on a computer. If you pass on a computer, wipe the HDD with 1's and 0's numerous times. Yes, pressing delete on your computer doesn't actually delete files, it makes them some what unavailable waiting to be overwritten.

That sucks, I am glad that it has never happened to me, I got a lot I would never want to lose. Some parents don't understand that you can't just magically transfer data without having the old computer around.

Yes you can. It's called the cloud or a remote server.

And that's really ******* helpful when you don't back it up to the cloud because you haven't planned on your mother getting rid of your computer.

Some of us don't want 5Tb of data sitting in the cloud

NiceGuysDoWin 21

#41, OP needs the original computer to put it on a cloud because it's not currently in a cloud.

Damn.. That sucks. I would be mad as hell

brendejafulable 41

She probably had sold it to buy you this one.

Hope you can find out who she sold it to and copy all the data

Then make her pay for new music and games.

ahh memories. well at least you get to make new ones...

My parents took my old laptop to an electronics recycling day before I could transfer everything onto my new one. Granted, I had two years and was just lazy, but I feel your pain, OP. I was devastated. I've been able to recover my music from my old mp3 player, but the photos and documents are long gone. Major hugs from me, OP.

I would break down if that happened to me, hope all works out for you OP!

19990231 29

If she gave it away, it's probably to someone you know. Just ask for it back to (at the Very least) back up your files