Basted High School

By RoastedbyNature - 21/05/2017 22:00

Today, my high school decided to practice graduation outside for 4 hours instead of inside, as well as serve lunch outside. Now everybody, including myself, is going to be sunburnt in their graduation pictures, because we were told practice was inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 505
You deserved it 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have refused due to health and safety in schools or ask permission to go buy sunscreen.

leagacysgirl 19

Why 4 hours??? You get in line, you sit down, you stand up and get diploma, sit back down, cheer, then celebrate.


leagacysgirl 19

Why 4 hours??? You get in line, you sit down, you stand up and get diploma, sit back down, cheer, then celebrate.

mariri9206 32

Clearly, you've never been to a graduation or even a graduation practice. Both take hours because you have to go through all the students- thousands of them.

luckily my graduating class was only 50 students

chessu 21

We didn't have to do a rehearsal as it is quite straightforward, but my ceremony was definitely around 3 hours! Walking in, speeches, 120 students have to walk to stage, some have extra diplomas that are read out, another speech, a song etc. The rehearsal is likely to take longer because they're still sorting out the what-s and the when-s and the how-s

Suaria 38

We practiced for middle school graduation for a week. The person coordinating graduation wanted all of us with our partners to walk in sync.

You should have refused due to health and safety in schools or ask permission to go buy sunscreen.

Viewerv 2

Why would you need practice for graduation? How complicated is walk straight, collect paper?

Think of it as rehearsal for a play. There's your answer. You're welcome.

That will make for an a-peeling photo!

n_aaaq 7

Atleast y'all have a graduation. ?

oh come on. 4 hours? and really being outside isn't usually so traumatic for people. get over it.