By Anonymous - 21/05/2017 21:00 - Germany

Today, we were doing a group project in class. The girl I have a crush on came to ask me if I was alone and I said yes. She took the chair next to me and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 986
You deserved it 335

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Why didn't she just ask if the chair was free?

She asked if he was alone, not if she could borrow the chair.


Seems like we Germans are quite good at unrequited crushes. I feel with you :/

Why didn't she just ask if the chair was free?

Well because it could go something like this: Girl: Hey is this seat taken? OP: Nope *thinks to himself: yay she's going to sit with me* *Girl takes chair* *OP writes FML*

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She asked if he was alone, not if she could borrow the chair.

Translation: "I've noticed you ogling me. Don't even think about it."

"And so every rose has its thorns..."

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