By Anonymous - 22/06/2019 20:04

Today, after being a few minutes late to work a few times this week, I left the house super early this morning. When I got to work, security hadn’t unlocked the doors yet, so I waited in my car, where I ended up falling asleep and sleeping through most of my entire morning shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 988
You deserved it 1 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel as though you have the same curse as me: Not a morning person.

julfunky 29

If you’re a few minutes late you leave a few minutes early, not “super” early.


I feel as though you have the same curse as me: Not a morning person.

So, you got fired up but your plan back-fired. I wonder what your fate will be.

julfunky 29

If you’re a few minutes late you leave a few minutes early, not “super” early.