All in a day's work

By Steve-noh - 10/08/2018 23:30

Today, at my job as a waiter I sharted myself while taking an order. They tipped me $20 and wrote "for new underwear" on the receipt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 155
You deserved it 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a pretty chill customer, right there. At least they were supportive.

You were so charming they wanted to help you get the shit out your pants! You should feel honored.


That's a pretty chill customer, right there. At least they were supportive.

You were so charming they wanted to help you get the shit out your pants! You should feel honored.

Hey, that's not all that bad actually. You got a nice tip and some fresh underwear out of it.

LOL glad to see I'm not the only one who has shit themselves right in the middle of helping customers,tho I wasn't so lucky to have a great customer like that, nope they tried to have me fired and I had to pull the I'm disabled with Crohn's disease card to keep my job at the time I feel your pain.😏

Hey, a $20 tip is awesome! I guess that's the secret to getting good ones - just shart yourself. :D

Great customers! Not only did they spring for a very fancy pair of drawers, they powered through their meal despite your shit smell.

BrookieB 13

What was ur reaction?”oh shit”

You could have scraped them out if you had a poop knife.

Underwear? Maybe a package of adult diapers might be a safer investment