By anonymous - 12/08/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, I went with my girlfriend to her parents' house. They told me I smelled of cheap vodka. When I told them I worked in a bio lab and used ethanol a lot, they said I was too stupid to do anything like that. My girlfriend broke up with me because her parents think I'm a drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 889
You deserved it 3 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

airbornerose 0

Wow. Sounds like the girlfriend is the idiot.

I think there's more to this story than a 300-character-limit allows. (or whatever number it actually is)


airbornerose 0

Wow. Sounds like the girlfriend is the idiot.

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Sometimes reading comments reminds people of things that happened in the past, so they post them. Not that unreasonable :P.

fckinbowdown 0

ya if your gf is too stupid to understand that you work in a bio lab and thinks your an alcoholic because her parents say so, then she's too dumb for you to date. so **** her and find someone that can intellectually satisfy you

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Parents hate their children's current boy/girlfriends to their faces all the time. Also, it could be this was not the OP's first time over. It may be the OP's first time over soon after getting off work. Also also, you must not have been around FML long enough to realize just how much of a bitch/bastard people can be.

why wouldn't the parents say it to his face? there are people who will criticize you by the way you look. ex. a neighbor said that I rang her doorbell and ran away and she got it on camera. When I looked at the tape I saw my friends ( they're white. I'm black.) and I playing outside and a little 6 year old boy hiding from him. He did it 3 times.

I think there's more to this story than a 300-character-limit allows. (or whatever number it actually is)

if she was worth your two cents, she wouldnt be so gullible and shallow minded. Be glad you didnt waste too much of your time with this little girl

0connor01 0

What... but... surely she knew where you worked? How could she just break up with you because her parents were wrong? How fail of her. She is nothing but her parents' puppet. Watch them force her to become a doctor or some prestigious job like that, because it was their dream.

thejerk56 8

you just hit the nail on the head.

Or watch her become one of those annoying rebellious girls who goes out and gets pregnant just to "piss off Mommy and Daddy". God, I hate those kinds of people.

It's okay. You're free from a stupid girl with stupid parents.

I hate parents (well not really). Same thing kinda happened to me. FYL for her not asking you for the story as well. I can understand wanting your parents to like your bf etc. But that was wrong you are probably better off.

edomaesushi 0

Why did the she help you? I think If she is your girlfriend , she should to do this.