Red flag

By Anonymous - 15/01/2014 18:25 - Italy - Pistoia

Today, I found out that the generous gift from my boyfriend of a new iPhone was only given so he could use the "Find my phone" function to make sure I'm always where I say I am each day. I'm being stalked by my own boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 182
You deserved it 8 942

Same thing different taste

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Be cautious, as my ex tried that same thing on me. His reasoning for it turned out to be because he was cheating on me, and wanted to make sure I wasn't doing the same! (I wasn't) Enjoy though!

My parents do this. It sucks. Just turn off location services.


StompinOnCrayons 15

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abusing someone by controlling them is not love. nor is buying someone expensive gifts with an ulterior motive. screams red flags, to me.

I think that it is more along the lines of the fact that her boyfriend loves stalking her, #1.

@1 no that is far from love. he may love her but this is where she needs to have a conversation with her BF about this. it can go either way, talk to him and make him understand you are not comfortable with his actions or leave because it can turn bad and turn bad fast. I am not saying that he is abusive or anything like this so don't accuse me of it but things progress. happen to my sister on more then one occasion. so nip it in the bud and talk to him OP. And best of luck to you. and #19, unless OP gave him a reason to distrust her it is not just not trusting. that is usually the first excuse they come up with.

Be cautious, as my ex tried that same thing on me. His reasoning for it turned out to be because he was cheating on me, and wanted to make sure I wasn't doing the same! (I wasn't) Enjoy though!

Yeah, people who cheat often feel guilty about it and as a result project their own feelings onto their partner and become suspicious. That's a major red flag OP, you should have a serious conversation with your boyfriend about personal space and why he's not trusting you.

Stoking is a sight of abusive relationship OP

I agree 131! Stoking is indeed a sign of an abusive relationship. Once my friend's goldfish's first owner had their boyfriend's ex-boyfriends girlfriend stoked. The burns took a long time to clean up. (Im sorry I just really couldn't pass it up) (I know you meant stalking) (I really am sorry this is one of the douchiest comments out there)

Lizardgirl 7

^That was the most polite douchy comment I've ever read

To OP go in your privacy settings, location settings, and turn it off!!

missyb94 6

But then he'll question her about it later. Poor OP can't win.

My ex too needed to keep tabs on me to make sure I wasn't cheating on him, even though he was the cheater through the entirety of our relationship (four years). I guess they can't handle their own poison!

so true #2! this always seems the case that those who accuse you of cheating often are actually the one who is cheating.

My parents do this. It sucks. Just turn off location services.

Or you could jailbreak it and spoof your location

So you want to spoof your location and risk proving the jealous and insecure boyfriend right, potentially setting him off? Seems safe. EDIT: Awkward, realized you were talking about the parent issue. My bad.

87: it depends om what the spoof location is. Could be fun to be at church all week. Or stuck in a public toilet for a whole evening. Or at the zoo every night. Or in Gotham on weekends.

43, my thoughts exactly. I've seen too many physically abusive relationships start this way.

peanutfoo 19

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That's the exact same logic OP's stalker boyfriend will be using when he creeps on her in the shower "just to be sure."

If he's insecure he shouldn't be in a relationship. The fact she did nothing wrong only makes it worse.

I bet you are also ok with the government spying on civilians too then?

It is a huge deal and a red flag. It's unhealthy and stalkerish that's he trying to track her every move as if he owns her.

No, I wasn't trying to say it was okay in any way shape or form. Just that in the boyfriend's eyes, he is going to see this as a logical thing to do, and it won't be easy to dissuade him of using the find phone function. Also, if everyone who was insecure simply didn't have relationships, there would be so many less couples it would be ridiculous.

"Find your Phone" doesn't show video or anything. How would he watch her in the shower? ._. It doesn't tell descriptive details or tell you what said phone holder is doing.

I would dissuade him easily by breaking the phone and then breaking up with him

Oh Jeeze, I'm Sorry OP. guys like that are terrible, you should probably start trying to find a way to let him off easy and get out of that relationship before it turns ugly. Hugs to you, you got this.

I'm sorry OP, just talk to him. Communication, honesty, and trust are all key to a good relationship. Or turn off location services, anyway good luck !