Red flag

By Anonymous - 15/01/2014 18:25 - Italy - Pistoia

Today, I found out that the generous gift from my boyfriend of a new iPhone was only given so he could use the "Find my phone" function to make sure I'm always where I say I am each day. I'm being stalked by my own boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 183
You deserved it 8 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be cautious, as my ex tried that same thing on me. His reasoning for it turned out to be because he was cheating on me, and wanted to make sure I wasn't doing the same! (I wasn't) Enjoy though!

My parents do this. It sucks. Just turn off location services.


grashopper8 7

That's a huge red flag. Be careful, sounds like he's controlling to a very unhealthy degree.

So just dump him... Free iPhone for you = win :)

give the phone to a friend who travels around for a day to really screw with him

This is a red flag! Get out of that relationship asap!

Have you done something to make him suspicious?

Give him the iPhone back and get away from him.

Just turn find my iPhone off and ur gps location thing. Can't track you then, besides it drains ur battery :)

Disconnect all links to iCloud and no offense but if he is that clingy you may want to find someone newer and better!

BlackJusticeJr 2