Red flag

By Anonymous - 15/01/2014 18:25 - Italy - Pistoia

Today, I found out that the generous gift from my boyfriend of a new iPhone was only given so he could use the "Find my phone" function to make sure I'm always where I say I am each day. I'm being stalked by my own boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 183
You deserved it 8 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be cautious, as my ex tried that same thing on me. His reasoning for it turned out to be because he was cheating on me, and wanted to make sure I wasn't doing the same! (I wasn't) Enjoy though!

My parents do this. It sucks. Just turn off location services.


Go to a bar for gays and lesbians only just to screw with him.

Sometimes people go to more than where they say - For instance, OP might say she's going to visit a parent, and on the way home she might decide to stop at a store. One should be able to trust a significant other.

Just turn it off, also, if your boyfriend tracks you then he must be suspicious of something.

hazardmuffin 21

Ouch, trust issues. If you're going to stay with him, you need to sit down and talk about this. Communication is incredibly important. Let him know it's okay to talk about his insecurities when they come up. If you're not going to put in the effort, better just leave him and save yourself the long and painful relationship death likely to happen.