WTF dude?

By meowtickmeow - 12/03/2010 01:18 - United States

Today, I had a strong feeling that someone was watching me as I was undressing to get ready for bed. I conspicuously moved to the door and threw it open to find my step-brother clearly spying on me. We are the same age, live in the same house three weeks a month and in the same English class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 639
You deserved it 2 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

court3love 0

YDI for moving "conspicuously." Pay more attention in that English class.


dudeitsdanny 9

No, I wouldn't "hit that." Or.. do anything with snicks. She's too young.

mkd0713 0

y'all r related by marriage not by blood. is he cute?

Let him get some you're only young once.

that's horrible!!! you should text his friends saying what happened and then watch him have to explain it to them ^^

tell your parents and press charges that is gross and illegal

iFilm 0

OP: oh you guys are gonna have weird kids.