By unlucky - 08/10/2012 16:39 - United States - Alpena

Today, I'm going to be helping the love of my life pick out an engagement ring for my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 339
You deserved it 4 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I can't imagine how difficult that would be. You are a strong person for being supportive of your cousin; I can't say that I'd be such a good sport if I were in your position.

Your love is coming. Just hold on an be patient. Congratulations on being a wonderful enough person that you haven't tried to sabotage your cousin's happiness for your own.


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skulltorn 8

I disagree, I believe it's better to move on if you have no chance with someone.

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skulltorn 8

Yeah but if you're in love with someone, the idea that they are with some one else can be so repulsive and mind fuckingly painful that it is better to just try and move on.

If you're infatuated with someone yes. But if you truly love them and see them as something that isn't "yours" and you love them as an individual not a mate, then you will be happy seeing them happy.

It hurts too much to be around someone you can't have.

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7 and 13 you guys are both kinda right. It depends on the person. But you guys aren't wrong!

36 seriously, these things only look good when you say them. No matter how "mature" you are, you can't say you won't get hurt if you see someone you love with someone else. Welcome to reality!

It's like having keys to a brand-spanking new Cadillac dangled right in front of your face, and then your cousin comes up and snatches them away. Not a very good feeling. Friendzone sucks.

#67 - that was really unnecessary :/

mommykrissy_05 7

Some sort of friendship is needed and will be nice to occasionally see him to know he is happy. If you love someone knowing they are happy is nice but having their love in your face all the time isnt fair to anyone. It is painful no matter how mature or loving you are!

60, after reading your profile and seeing you talk about giving your soul to bieber I have concluded that you have no ******* clue what you are talking about.

88 I dislike justin bieber and you didn't get what I wrote and you don't know what "mature" means. You don't know about love or else you wouldn't say stupid things about how its not painful to see someone you love with someone else

unknown_user5566 26

I can't imagine how difficult that would be. You are a strong person for being supportive of your cousin; I can't say that I'd be such a good sport if I were in your position.

unknown_user5566 26
unknown_user5566 26

39- It's really the 7th. :) I finally figured out how to beat the system. If you set it one day forward (so, the 8th for me) when you save the changes it reverts to the correct date.

I tried to set mine to the twenty-first (bday is twentieth) so it would be correct. But then it went all "lol nope!" and changed to the ninth. Wtf?!

unknown_user5566 26

45- Haha what the hell? That's super weird. I guess FML doesn't want anyone to celebrate their birthdays.

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unknown_user5566 26

Considering OP isn't in love with his brother if he does indeed have one, it's definitely still a problem.

If she truly loved him, his brother wouldn't be as good

Your love is coming. Just hold on an be patient. Congratulations on being a wonderful enough person that you haven't tried to sabotage your cousin's happiness for your own.

TheOath 12

Thank god for that. I know some people that went all psycho because of their extreme jealousy. Op's too good to stoop down to that level. Even though it hurts move forward! You'll find your destined one eventually.

Sounds like a chick flick I've seen. It was called, every chick flick I've ever seen.

Not exactly the love of your life then are they?

I'm confused, did they leave you for your cousin or do you just have one of those creepy, but intense crushes on them? Either way, FYL.

I think op likes the guy but her cousin is marrying him

MiloBear 11

If it hurts too much then just say no to the ring shopping. You can be supportive without taking an active role in their relationship.

Dang that sucks, but everything happens for a reason Op.

These always kill me "the love of my life"? Obviously not. You seem to be delusional. Perhaps you need to realize that in your mind, and the real world are two different places...

Geez old iron side give them a break :/ Delusional is pretty harsh, we don't know the history, for all we know they could have been engaged to OP first or have had a serious relationship with OP! OP I'm sorry I imagine that's unbearable :( but time will heal it

Well said. I would thumb you up 10 times if I could.

Ironside has the right idea. These damn comments, always feeling bad for the OP. She either has no balls, and can't tell this "love" her feelings, or is crazy. Or maybe a bit of both.

Very good point. If it was the love of her life she wouldn't love again and Ill call bullshit.