
By being cheap is expensive! - 25/11/2021 05:01

Today, my wife’s unending cheapness and need for a “deal” has bitten us in the ass. Literally. She accepted a bag of clothes from a coworker and yup, you guessed it, it was infested with fucking bedbugs. Now our whole house has them, and all she said was, “At least the clothes can be washed.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 197
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im very sorry. One of my relatives had that issue and my advice is to bomb the hell out of them asap

mccuish 25

The coworker should’ve checked the clothes before giving them to your wife


mccuish 25

The coworker should’ve checked the clothes before giving them to your wife

Im very sorry. One of my relatives had that issue and my advice is to bomb the hell out of them asap

In that case, she calls the Professional to clean the house and then, for the cost, take something that she likes to do you pay for away. That usually resolves this mess. It sounds like she has a problem that requires therapy, so if that's the case, forego the latter offer this as a carrot. If she refuses, then use the last.