Won't someone think of the economy?

By tdizzlehi - 28/08/2020 02:00 - United States - Boston

Today, after coming out of a meeting during which I promised my employees better wages, I was met at the door by my CEO telling me to lay off all the employees I just talked to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 771
You deserved it 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, In case it’s not obvious to you, if you lay off all your employees you are next. Start looking for a new job now!

Been there. "Look nobody is getting fired." A week later "I thought you said nobody was getting fired!" Well, they weren't when I said that, I still felt like the biggest turd in the universe though.


When they find new jobs, they can ask for better wages.

Well, if you lay them off effectively, I'm sure your job is safe. Or, maybe not...

OP, In case it’s not obvious to you, if you lay off all your employees you are next. Start looking for a new job now!

Been there. "Look nobody is getting fired." A week later "I thought you said nobody was getting fired!" Well, they weren't when I said that, I still felt like the biggest turd in the universe though.

Should have some idea what your superiors think of your subordinates before you go around offering raises... You totally deserve it

Mathalamus 24

they could have been told everyone was getting a raise. and then told later that it would actually be the ones left. Management types love that way of doing things in many places. since it does 2 big things. A) makes people happy about a raise. B) makes you the bad guy for firing the employees THEY want gone, with no real blow back to them.