Welcome to the machine

By Anonymous - 30/09/2021 20:01

Today, I was laid off on the day I was about to put in an offer on a house. This company promised me the world, and I broke myself working to prove my worth. Turns out, I wasn't getting paid for the lunches and breaks I didn't take either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 115
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're looking at this all wrong. Now is a bullshit time to buy a house and a great time to get a new job. Keep renting for now and get the new job and by the time the insane seller's market ends, you'll be in a good position to buy (provided they don't **** you over at the last minute.)

Work hard, be loyal and you'll still be fired the moment you're no longer needed. That's why workers protection is important to cut that BS.


sounds like something that would happen to my husband since he's been getting kicked in the balls for the last several years when it comes to a job. I'm sorry, op ❤

Work hard, be loyal and you'll still be fired the moment you're no longer needed. That's why workers protection is important to cut that BS.

That sucks, but it’s a little better than buying a house and then getting laid off.

You're looking at this all wrong. Now is a bullshit time to buy a house and a great time to get a new job. Keep renting for now and get the new job and by the time the insane seller's market ends, you'll be in a good position to buy (provided they don't **** you over at the last minute.)