By Noob - 05/03/2018 08:00 - United States - Houston

Today, I restarted my desktop computer at work. Nobody told me, but it turns out that my computer holds the licenses used for all programs on the server. Needless to say, a lot of people hate me right now. It's only my fifth day here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 810
You deserved it 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds more like a FML for the IT support for your company. What braindead IT guy would store that kind of info on a computer accessible by an end user AT ALL, let alone make this computer the end-user's primary terminal?

Licenses belong on a computer which is accesible to IT personell only. If these people really want to hate someone (which is a bit childish) they should turn their anger towards the IT department.


Sounds more like a FML for the IT support for your company. What braindead IT guy would store that kind of info on a computer accessible by an end user AT ALL, let alone make this computer the end-user's primary terminal?

... and give that machine to someone new to the company

Licenses belong on a computer which is accesible to IT personell only. If these people really want to hate someone (which is a bit childish) they should turn their anger towards the IT department.

This could become your secret weapon...

Now that you’ve got enemies, you can crush them with the click of a button, or a Ctrl+Alt+Delete, as the case may be. There’s a new sheriff in town!

onceuponatime456 16

Your entire comment makes no sense at all. I believe someone is pulling your leg as that is not how licenses for programs work.

You are wrong. Lots of programs use a license server, which can be any computer that IT chooses. An older, out-of-date PC can usually handle this task. My guess is that the company used one of their “surplus” old computers for the new hire, and forgot it was the license server. The part of the story that is dubious is that everyone crashed during the OPs reboot. The license schemes I’ve seen allows users to work continuously while the license server reboots (except you can’t get a new license in that time.)

Well now you control the office congratulations.

Idream 7

Well.. Why haven't they told you!

That's really the smallest problem in this story.

Lobby_Bee 17

Reveal to everybody that you are actually the CEO and this is the TV show Undercover Boss. Then tell them they are all fired.

AzrielB 8

maybe your first job should be to move those licenses to the server

NOT her job ... unless explicitly assigned to do so. :-)

AzrielB 8

if the licenses are on her computer she is either an IT person or the IT person is incompetent, either way those codes need to go

Actually OP, the only person to be concerned with not upsetting is your boss. And in this case, it wasn't your fault anyway, but his (for not realizing and/or not notifying others of the potential of said event happening).