Women shouldn't fart?

By single again - 06/04/2021 17:00

Today, I slept in the same room as my girlfriend for the first time. She is sweet, smart, and drop-dead gorgeous, so naturally I thought she was going to be the one. Until she farted in her sleep. 56 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 476
You deserved it 3 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

if you break up with her over a natural bodily function, then you deserve to be single your whole life. get over yourself

If thou loves the beautiful maiden, he shall tolerate fellow maiden's gassy bum bum


If thou loves the beautiful maiden, he shall tolerate fellow maiden's gassy bum bum

Gotta be picky about something huh? Also no such thing as the one.

that's out of her control, don't hold that against her

Jon Tessler 14

if you break up with her over a natural bodily function, then you deserve to be single your whole life. get over yourself

You totally missed a chance to use 'Hole heartedly' :D

Jon Tessler 14

I wonder what his reaction will be the first time a female "queefs" during sex......oh to be a fly on the wall

Oh man, that’s better than my wife. It’s natural, so if that bothers you, enjoy being single forever.

JillianJuneBug 39

Good for her, she dodged a major bullet

Sounds like she's still the one, but maybe you aren't the one. Grow up a little!

Aiden89 23

I would of woke her up from laughing so hard.

Definitely the one! Too bad you aren't

Lydmyers 9

OP, Grow up. Girls have normal human digestive systems, same as boys do which includes farting. I find it weird that you would not only think much less of her, but count how many times she farted. YDI