
By Herman - 13/02/2023 06:00 - United States - Bedford

Today, I went to my room to find my girlfriend on the floor, butt up, with her pants down. I elatedly took the invitation and dropped my pants too, only for her to tell me, "Not so fast champ, I'm trying to force some farts out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 096
You deserved it 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not gonna lie, I would have done the same thing. It is disappointing to get that reaction though.

He could offer to lend a hand or something to help her relax and squeeze them out.


Not gonna lie, I would have done the same thing. It is disappointing to get that reaction though.

He could offer to lend a hand or something to help her relax and squeeze them out.

Vesi 29

My only question is.. Why pants down? Passing gas should only be air..

GreyFox78 2

Maybe she was being careful, just in case she had to shart.

So if you put it in and she farted, would that count as a *******? I'm sure it's in Urban Dictionary somewhere. If not, there's your a manner of speaking.

"Today, I caught my girlfriend doing pantsless yoga "trying to force some farts out". I mistook it as an invitation for some sexy time. Today, I also learned my girlfriend is not a dog. FML." There. Fixed it.