That's a funny word, mom

By Anonymous - 11/02/2021 22:59 - United States - Oakland

Today, I wanted to teach my students about history with dominoes. I thought the online video would be wholesome or relevant to history. Nope. The last domino was captioned "HENTAI." Students now get to explain to their parents that I exposed the word Hentai to their vocabulary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 350
You deserved it 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you screen a video to a class that you hadn't vetted first? ...and can I get a link? :D

ojoRojo 27

As a fellow teacher, you ALWAYS need to watch videos before showing them to students.


Why would you screen a video to a class that you hadn't vetted first? ...and can I get a link? :D

ojoRojo 27

As a fellow teacher, you ALWAYS need to watch videos before showing them to students.

I'll send you a domino captioned "BLUMPKIN." That should fix things.