By Disney - 18/02/2011 22:29 - United States

Today, I found out that to save on expenses, my wife booked a very small hotel room for ourselves and the kids while we visit Disney World. I've been officially cockblocked by Mickey Mouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 233
You deserved it 8 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

You're going to Disney World. It's supposed to be for the kids anyway. You can **** your wife when you get back home. No big deal.

seems like you were actually just cockblocked by your wife


seems like you were actually just cockblocked by your wife

FMLandurstoo 9

so you couldn't have sex with Mickey? that's sad

metal8214 0

Mickey shoulda **** blocked you before you had those kids.

UnanomousGurl 0
knelson19 0

You're life isn't effed! Disney Land is the happiest place on earth or something like that.

FYLDeep 25

You're going to Disney World. It's supposed to be for the kids anyway. You can **** your wife when you get back home. No big deal.

Acousticpixie14 6

That's what I was thinking... You don't go to Disney World to get laid. That's a family vacation for the kids. Put your dick back in your pants, and wait till you get home.

exactly. and what were you thinking anyway? book a large room and have sex while the kids are in it with you? no. or were you hoping to book two rooms and leave your kids alone in a strange place just so you can have sex because you can't wait a few days?

It is supposed to be fun for the whole family, not just kids. And why do girls eagerly agree with this nonsensical thought of fyldeep? but anyways I agree that it's not a big deal cause OP can have some quiet action after kids are asleep.

FYLDeep 25

Part of it is that I agree with TheFection, but just didn't mention it. When exactly would the OP be expecting to have time without the kids even if he had a "killer" room? Regardless though, I still think it's a bit selfish to post something like this when Disney World is most definitely a vacation for the kids, not the parents. They should be worried about whether or not the kids have a memorable experience. If he was booking this vacation thinking it was the perfect place to **** his wife, then he's got ****** priorities.

some hotels have a suite where there is a door on the bedroom. The kids would be in the other room.

that's dsigusting. who in their right mind would have sex while their children are asleep in the same room? not normal people that's who. btw if your are trying to traumatize those poor kids good job :|

atomicJ 0

my grand slam was supposed to be with sausage

perdix 29

It's called The Happiest Place on Earth. If your wife's version of happiness involves not having sex with you, maybe you'd better spice up your game. ;)

Dude you're everywhere. How much time do you spend on fml?

Here's an idea, pick somewhere to vacation other than a theme park filled with cartoon characters and children next time you want to get laid.