By alex - 16/02/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, while working at my new job at a veterinary hospital, I was excited that I set a urinary catheter in a dog for the first time. I guess I was a little too enthusiastic though, because I pulled it out too fast and bloody urine splashed up all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 118
You deserved it 32 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

texas_justice 0
purplemnm 9

ydi, it's painful when you pull out the needle too fast, control your emotions woman!



You are a terrible person, I hope you know. Poor dog.. :(

I have the weirdest boner right now :S

Damn people on here are douchebags! What's the deal with "You horrible human being, how would you like to have something shoved up ur vag?!" Uhh well the Cath was probably there for a reason, not to mention the dog was almost surely sedated. I mean come on people, why don't you think about the situation before bein an asshole. As for the OP, YDI still, cuz really it was YOUR mistake. Sucks really...

To all of the "You're disgusting for being excited" comments; ever stopped bitching and hating to just think for half a second? Could the author be excited not by the procedure itself but by the fact that she's ALLOWED to do it, implied by the "new job"? Oh! And did you morons know that being excited doesn't just mean sexually?! OP, you still deserve it. You just showed many many people that you're either not responsible enough to handle actual interaction with pet-patients or just don't care enough to pay extra attention to what you're doing. Even if it was a "little" mistake, you should not be allowed around patients. At least for a little while.

I literally just had a baby barf I my mouth.

Yikes! It sounds like urine trouble! Don't worry, I bet they weren't too bloody pissed! all seriousness though, that sucks... However, I would have to say f the dog's life more...